The new Star Trek trailer

The new Star Trek trailer started showing last week in theatres showing Quantum of Solace. I skipped out on seeing Quantum of Solace during opening weekend, so I didn’t see it until last night. As my luck would have it, they didn’t show the Star Trek trailer. I even got to the theatre early and everything.

I finally watched the trailer online last night. My reaction was… well, it was ok. Obviously, it will be hard to satisfy some hardcore fans like myself. If I wasn’t the huge Trekkie that I am, I would’ve just dismissed the trailer as “another action flick”. And that’s the thing about Star Trek, it’s NOT just an action series. It’s so much more. Of course, lots of Trekkies out there enjoy the action and special effects, so they might have really liked this trailer. I, on the other hand, appreciate the stories and the moral philosophy behind Star Trek.

Moral philosophy is what makes Star Trek so special to me. I wonder if this movie has any of that. Granted, the trailer didn’t show much, so the story is likely a lot deeper than the action-packed trailer. Either way, I’m keeping an open mind for this movie. It’s a much-needed revitalization of the Star Trek franchise. I was somewhat dismayed when I heard that JJ Abrams wasn’t a “huge fan” of Star Trek before making this movie, but his work on Lost and Fringe is commendable, so it’ll be interesting to see what he does with Star Trek.

Plus, Zachary Quinto (Sylar) as Spock is enough to make me drool. ;)