Confessions of a TV addict

I’ve been watching a lot of TV lately. Maybe too much. In any case, I thought I’d write down some thoughts about the shows I watch. I only have basic cable, so there isn’t any fancy cable stuff here. I’m just going to focus on the hour-long dramas, since those are the shows I tend to follow more closely.


  • Terra Nova
    James and I saw the pilot at San Diego Comic-Con back in July, and we were interested to see more. The show has an epic feel to it (hello, dinosaurs), which isn’t surprising since it has the biggest budget ever.
  • Castle
    Castle is great. I love most crime dramas, but Castle stands out as a fun show that doesn’t take itself too seriously. Also: Nathan Fillion. Enough said.


  • Glee
    I think I’ve got Glee fatigue. The first season was fun. Now it just seems too repetitive.
  • Ringer
    This is one of those shows that’s a bit frustrating to watch because the main character keeps making bad decisions that put her in uncomfortable situations. I probably would’ve stopped watching it by now if Sarah Michelle Gellar wasn’t in it.
  • Body of Proof
    A medical/crime show, now in its second season. Jeri Ryan co-stars in it.


  • The X Factor
    This show combines the best elements of American Idol (eg. Simon Cowell) and The Voice (eg. judges coaching contestants and competing with each other). However, it runs so long (2-3 hours, week after week).
  • Revenge
    My current guilty pleasure. I like to compare this show with Ringer because they both have a main character who is not the person everyone thinks they are. However, Ringer’s main character is a mess and doesn’t know what she’s doing, while Revenge’s main character is totally calm and calculated.


  • Person of Interest
    Michael Emerson (aka Lost‘s Ben Linus) is the brains and Jim Caviezel (aka The Passion of the Christ‘s Jesus) is the brawn, as they fight crime. It’s like watching an action movie every episode.
  • Grey’s Anatomy
    Grey’s always has great writing. The Deredith fighting sometimes gets annoying, but whatever.
  • Private Practice
    Why am I still watching this? The show was fine until all the crazy things started happening to the doctors instead of the patients. There is also way too much incest at this workplace. If Addison wasn’t there, I would have dropped it ages ago, since I can’t stand the rest of the characters. Addison is supposed to be the one who’s messed up, but she looks perfect compared to the others. I hope the addition of Benjamin Bratt shakes things up.


  • Chuck
    I’ve been watching Chuck since it started four years ago, and it’s going to end in January. It’s had its ups and downs, but it really is a fun, geeky show.
  • Once Upon a Time
    I love fairy tales and fantasy, so this show is right up my alley.

Favourite new show: Revenge

Other shows that I randomly catch are most of the crime dramas: Law & Orders, CSIs, NCIS, Criminal Minds, Cold Case, Without a Trace, Bones, Numbers… the list goes on.

Phew! That seems like a lot, doesn’t it? I’ve been thinking about watching Grimm, but I don’t know if I can handle more shows right now. I can barely keep up with the ones I’m currently watching.