
My hair has pretty much always been long, but lately it was getting TOO long, even for me. After contemplating about donating my hair for a while, I finally decided to cut it now that the weather is nice. (Sorry to rub it in, Canadian friends, but the weather here in Cali has been awesome lately!)

Locks of Love requires at least 10in of hair, and I was thinking I’d cut about 10-12in. My hairstylist didn’t really know what she was doing when she measured it, though. I measured my cut hair when I got home, and it was about 15in!

Unfortunately, I completely forgot to take a “before” picture! The most recent photo I have that shows my hair length is from over a month ago, and it’s from when I curled my hair, so it looks even shorter than it’s supposed to be. Here it is, along with my new hair cut.

My haircut, before and after
My haircut, before and after

It literally feels like a weight has been lifted, lol. I still prefer long hair (though not quite as long as I had it before the cut), but this is a nice change.